Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Today was bitter sweet.. It was the first Easter that Gracie could actually participate in but Aspen was gone.. boo! Aspen got to go with her dad and visit her family in Yucca Valley for Easter and Joey had to work; so it was pretty much Kobie, Gracie, and momma all day! Gracie got so excited when she saw her Easter basket and actually caught on to hunting for the eggs pretty quickly with a little help from her dada. Kobie was way to cool to take many pictures but he had a good time to! Before Joey went to work we got to have a Easter egg hunt and then Kobie & I ended the night with an Easter movie... Hop! Hope everyone had a great day.

Sooooo happy with her Easter basket!

Little Ms. Gracie watching TV..
(that's strawberries on her shorts)
Like I said, to cool for pix!
She just loves her bubee so much

Love this picture!
trying to make the snarl like dad makes!
It's a plane, it's a plane!!!